If you have a blog, odds are you might want to give people the opportunity to receive posts in their inbox. After all, it’s a quick and easy way for them to keep up with your content.
Now while there are a bunch of different ways your readers can subscribe to your blog via email, my favorite way is through MailChimp. It’s free for up to 2000 subscribers and you can send up to 12,000 emails a month. So keep that in mind. But if you have a small readership, this could be a great option for you. And if you have a larger readership, you can always upgrade to one of their paid plans.
So how do you setup your RSS campaign?
Watch the following video to find out.
PS: this is the first video I’ve created, so it’s definitely a learning process. I also talk really fast and not super loud, so hopefully you can understand me.
Let me know if you want more video tutorials!
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